A mother-daughter conversation on food and cooking (mostly)

Sunday, November 11, 2007


This is my favorite way to eat collard greens: cut into strips, with the ribs chopped up small, and sauteed in the fat from one or two pieces of bacon. Garlic and a dried chile are optional. It's halfway in between the traditional ham-hock-and-eighteen-hours recipe and the lighter stir frying in olive oil...both of which I write about in a November piece for the Free Times which will be published the week after Thanksgiving.

Oh, man, I love collards.


Kris said...

What is that lovely crusty thing in the background?

I am eagerly awaiting Dad's collards which should be ready next week. You have been a real missionary of greens to this household.

Eva said...

In the background is one half of a Dutch baby, which I will write about here sometime.

Our friends brought us a giant bag of local organic turnip greens last night, and I am so excited.